Friday, May 1, 2009

Life is tough!

On a practise Search & Rescue flight, we left Queen Charlotte around 6:00PM and flew to the Sandspit Marina to collect two more volunteers. There were 4 of us, plus the pilot. (Pilot who, with his partner, rescues birds of prey.)

The cedar spires along the East Coast, heading south, were gorgeous in that light.

Cumshewa Inlet.

Louise Narrows.

White Sided Dolphin in mid leap. We were to do our "search" at Selwyn Inlet (overturned kayak spotted was the scenerio) where there just "happened" to be large numbers of leaping dolphins...

...and Humpback Whales!! The shape in the middle of this is the flukes of a diving whale.

They were breeching as well as just putzing along.

Whale bubbles.

Even shadows as we headed back towards home.

The Tarundle Estuary where I spend a lot of time with the dogs (until the bears come out - it's a popular place with them.)

Out of order... This is Reef Island (furthest out) and East Limestone Is., where I worked with the Murrelets, West Limestone and part of Louise Is.

Approaching Charlotte from the West.

Looking back at the old bookstore and the high school.

Huge flock of migratory geese flying over home when i got back around 8:20. A perfect end to the adventure!
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